Sunday, October 18, 2015

Weekly Goals

I've been getting pretty lazy these days so I decided to create a weekly list of goals on here. I'm hoping that if I write my goals down and post them, I'll be motivated to carry through with them. Many of these goals I'll probably repeat until they hopefully become habits.

  • Make my bed daily. At least, I've been doing a lot better with this than I was at home. 
  • PREVIEW. Previewing lessons make life a lot easier when it comes to studying for exams. Luckily, nothing is too hard yet but I want to start making the habit of previewing for future benefits.
  • Daily devotions. I've really struggled with this recently. I think I should start small: even just 5 minutes out of my day is better than nothing.
  • Snail mail. Write and send all the snail mail I'm behind on.
  • Charge phone only once a day. I used to be able to go 2 days without charging my phone. Because I start work this week I have no time to get distracted by anything. I think by only allowing myself to charge my phone once a day will force me to stay away from it unless necessary. 
That's it for this week. I really want to push myself to follow through with ALL of these goals we go!

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