2018 was an interesting year, and I've done more throughout the year than I could have ever imagined doing in a lifetime. It's been a long time coming, but I've really learned how to fight for my happiness this past year. I have no idea how 2019 is going to be, and to be honestly, I'm completely terrified and excited at the same time. I decided to get back to writing more about my adventures, and wanted to stay away from Instagram as the platform to do so. I'm hoping by the end of the year, I'll be able to create a book of my accomplishments throughout the year. I'll probably keep the "blog" more formal so that I can turn my stories into an actual book. But who knows, I never actually go through with any of my passion projects lmao.
In the meantime, here are my 2019 resolutions!
- Do something creative every day, and keep track of it. I bought a notebook a few months ago that was supposed to keep track of my projects, but since I never used it (oops), I'll use that as a space to record my creative doings for the day. Today is January 1st, and I spent the entire day with the boyfriend, so I'll consider this blogpost my creative session for the day.
- Make a decision on post-grad life. Figure out what you want, and make a decision for yourself, but understand that most of your happiness comes from the people you surround yourself with.
- Keep up the weekly and monthly goals! It's been really helpful for me to write down my thoughts and see how I've been growing little by little. This is something I did well throughout 2018, and I want to continue through the new year.
And of course, all is subject to change! It's going to be a hard year, I already know it, but I hope to find the little joys in each day to make it an overall unforgettable year. WOOHOO, let's do this. It's okay to be afraid...relax...take a breath....and here we go...
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